Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A bit of everything

8/10 Yukuhashi. This weekend unlike the last I actually did something while I stayed put in Yukuhashi. Ria played in a volleyball tournament on Saturday morning so I went along to watch. Her team did fairly well put was out played by a serious team from another school. It was fun to watch. Volleyball is a really polpular sport here. Afterwards Lisa, Ria, Charlie, Te Akunga and I went window shopping. On our way home from the shopping centre we came across a field of cosmos. I had heard about them but this was my first time to see one. It was very beautiful and we couldn't resist sitting among them for some photos. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera so these photos were provided by Lisa who is also in one of the shots. That night I hung around Ria and Terry's house untill they fed me and played some comedy. I actually felt really bad for staying so long but they still say it was OK.
9/10 Birthday. So what wold you like to do on your birthday? Sleep in? Relax? Well I started mine by going to a 4 hour karate training session!! Well, it wasn't as bad as it sounds... for me anyway. It was a blackbelt grading and we were spectators for about 2 hours of that. Among other things, the three guys who were going for their black belt had to fight 10 people in a row. So 10x2 minute sparring rounds and they weren't taking is easy on these guys. Crazy! Oh yeah as part of the black belt you have to do 50 knuckle push ups and 50 finger push ups. I didn't see them do it, so I'll just pretend it doesn't happen. Yes, we have to do knuckle push ups at the dojo. I can only do about 2x20 girly knuckle ones, I'm just thankful I'm start to get caluses on my knuckles coz on the wooden floor IT HURTS!! Not very beautiful on your hands but its better than the alternative. Anyway after that I raced home and tried to clean my house before Ajimu Chris arrived. Didn't happen. We had lunch and did some shopping. It was great shopping with Chris as noone stared at me anymore they all stared at him as he is so tall (about 6'4"). We had time for lunch and a beer and then it was time to go out for dinner. The photos are of the people who came to my dinner. The boy in the first photo is Te Akonga (Ria and Terry's son). The next photo is of Terry and Ria, the NZ. (Just like being back at PM.. surrounded by NZers!) The next one is of Steve and Nao (Steve's wife). Steve is the ex ex JET from Hawaii. He is now an elementry teacher in Yukuhashi. The next is Charlie playing with Yuki. Charlie is Ria and Terry's daughter and speaks fluent Japanese. She's unreal! The last is one of those embarrasing eating photos that Lisa, Ria and Steve will kill me later for. Ajimu Chris was there too and I didn't manage to get a photo of him. Sorry Chris! After the delicious Japanese dinner Yuki, Chris and I went to karaoke. Chris set the tune by picking really daggy songs like Xanadu and The Locomotion. Yuki followed with Pacori Nights. So the night was set! Yuki left and Chris and I stayed for one more hour and then set off to find a bar. Chris in a bid to get a ride attempted to talk to everyone and we managed to meet a guy from the Yakuza (Japanese mafia), well at least he said he was. We got into town eventually (by taxi). We ran into 3 random guys that were heading to a Snack Bar. Snack bars are places where you pay for a girl to come and talk to you. I thought that was a waste of money (obviously!) but they recommended another place. Half way there we heard "Chotto matte" (Please wait) and they came running after us. They joined us and we had some very funny conversations. Chris kept on saying in Japanese that I was drunk, then just kidding, then he was drunk. Repeat 10 times! Overall it was a great birthday.
10/10 The day after. Didn't feel like getting up but Chris' story deserves a mention. Chris for some reason got off his comfortable futon opened all the doors and went back to sleep on my tiny couch. This couch is about a 1.5 seater. He has no idea why, and well I'm exactly the same. Ria, Terry, Charlie-chan, Te-chan and Lisa came to pick us up and took us to an all your can eat Japanese restaurant. Don't ask me how to get there... I think you have to take every back street to find this place. The food was great tho. Afterwards we went to an onsen (hot spring). Always nice! This one was REALLY hot too. I had to get out after only a little while. Only when I got home did I remember I had karate again. Even tho I had a short sleep my eyes were hanging out of my head the whole training session. Needless to say I slept well that night. A very eventful long weekend!


At 3:56 PM, Blogger Chris Powell said...

Yeah, it was a great weekend even if i dont remember much of it. And i dont recommend going to an onsen hung over as it just made me feel 10 times worse than i already did.

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Puggles,

Sounds like you're having an awesome time. Would be great to get away for a while to somewhere completely different. Best wishes from Sydney!

Timmy B


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