Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Christmas, New Year's and a Wedding.

On December 21st I flew back to Australia for a two week visit. Matthew, the blurry boy and my nephew, didn't recognise me when I got back but after some convincing he believed I WAS actually Margie, the same person as in the photo on the piano. Both he and Thomas have grown so much in the past six months it is quite amazing. I spent majority of my time with my family. Christmas was low key but very enjoyable. On the 27th Nowra had a rodeo. It was enjoyabe to see and to get back into the feel of country Australia. Seeing my horses were about 1000km away it was good to see other peoples' horses. For New Year's I went to Sydney for a BBQ Matt and Dane had organised. It was great to see alot of friends from Uni. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so there are no pictures. I flew out on January 4th and arrived on the 5th. I got picked up from the airport and went straight to my landlord's daughter's wedding. It was very beautiful, very formal and must have cost the earth. In Japan the usual gift is 3 man yen, which is about $350. So, it was very expensive to go but a good experience. The food would have been easily over $100 per head. It was amazing. Also, we also got a gift bag!


At 3:49 PM, Blogger Chris Powell said...

yay, u posted again. IM so jealous about kyoto, i wish i went, and now u r going to hokkaido to, not fair.

I might drop down to kyoto when i am in tokyo with my friends so i can check it out in winter.

Taking your parent there will be cool to. Its supposed to be really beautiful with the sakura.

glad u had a good trip back home to. It was nice to see everyone wasnt it.

talk to u soon.

At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to hear about your trip back home! it sounds like it was good fun. did it feel like it went quickly?

your pics of kyoto are amazing. i am hoping to go there to see the sakura. apparently you should book from now onwards, but i am not sure that i am that organised!

are you going to hokkaido for winter festival?



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